Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! And yes I was the person who thought people in Cali didn't celebrate Thanksgiving. Here I was, under the grand disillusionment that only in the land of Pilgrims and Plymouth Rock did folks celebrate the holiday of turkey and yummy sides.
Of course when I said this out loud I kinda stated it with a question mark. I wasn't totally convinced and then Ryan mentioned Black Friday, and because I know that's a nationwide event I knew Thanksgiving was also. Then I remembered writing a column about the history of Thanksgiving for a newspaper I had worked for. How could I be so silly? However, in my defense I will say a long long time ago Thanksgiving was only celebrated in New England - long before it became a national holiday.
Ryan confessed it's his favorite holiday and I have to agree. It's nice to sit with your family and enjoy a fabulous meal. No fuss!
So I've never cooked a turkey before, or made stuffing, or gravy. First our turkey was still frozen on the inside and I had to fill a ziplock bag with hot water and put it inside the turkey. I waited for the water to cool and then I'd refill the ziplock bag and repeat. By the third time I did this the turkey was ready.
I made the stuffing in the meantime. I sauteed some celery, onions and apples and added some bread cubes and voila, that was ready to go. When the turkey was thaw I stuffed it and slapped it all in the oven.
I even made some Clean Eating maple glazed carrots, and some mashed potatoes.
We forgot to buy gravy so I googled how to make some, and managed to make some pretty good gravy too.
This is technically the first Thanksgiving Ryan and I have celebrated together. Last year I celebrated a lovely Thanksgiving with his fabulous family, but unfortunately Ryan was working. But he did make it at the end of the night.
So this Thanksgiving was really special. We had the whole day together. We started by watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade even though it pains me so to look at Matt Lauer's evil mug! After we watched a televised dog show and looked for the miniature schnauzer. Abbey watched too!
Ryan and Abbey watching the dog show. |
Ryan buzzed around the turkey like the father in
A Christmas Story, which was totally adorable and very funny. He helped with clean up and while things cooked we put up our Christmas tree.
Already a present for Ryan under the tree :) |
Unfortunately Ryan's ornaments did not make the trip with us because we had limited space in our moving pod. So we picked up new ornaments, and garland and stuff.
There are lots of colorful and sparkly bulbs on the tree. We got some old fashioned looking type bulbs. Four boxes of different kinds and colors of candy canes.
I got a sparkly cupcake ornament from the candy shop and you may notice the little three eyed red monster dangling from the bottom of the tree on the left side. That ornament is dedicated to our beloved monster Abbey.
We talked to our families, which was really nice. It's not quite the same as being surrounded by your family, but it's still nice to hear from our loved ones back home. There isn't a moment that goes by that I don't think of all of you.
When dinner was ready Ryan said he'd never carved a turkey before. I hadn't either, and it's not like we have a stunning cutlery set or anything. He did the very best he could and as it turns out that was just fine.
Dinner was truly good, and in honor of our Mom on the east coast we did say out loud the things we were thankful for and completed it with an Amen
Ryan posed with dinner and we got a picture of his plate. He is truly thankful for Thanksgiving.
And even Abbey had her own little Thanksgiving feast. I topped her kibble with turkey and gravy - she was beside herself, but was a really good girl waiting patiently and turning all her tricks to win her supper.
Abbey at first sat, and then laid down (which you can see to the photo on the top and to the left). Then she did her "leave it" trick (above photo to the right). Such a good girl. She wolfed it down in such a way you'd think we never feed the more thing. She's such a ham!!!
Lastly, I made an apple pie and it was divine. (And Dad, this time the crust didn't fall off all over the oven)! We finished the day eating pie and watching the Spike Lee documentary on Michael Jackson's making of Bad.
mmmmm....Apple pie :) |