Saturday, November 24, 2012

Beard Papa Cream Puffs

Hollywood is gearing up for Christmas! Ryan and I walked down Hollywood Boulevard and happened upon a few of our favorite stores -Like Sweets. This time we spotted a funny little sign about Henways and I had a good laugh (literally out loud)! You have know idea how much fun my uncles had playing this joke on folks. And we fell for it over and over and over again. And the funny thing is the joke never gets old.
See that little framed sign on the counter? That reads Henway!
So they were setting up some kind of Christmas hooplah in front of where they film Jimmy Kimmel Live. I don't think any of it had to do with Jimmy Kimmel though. Hollywood Boulevard after Highland was closed off. I don't know how long it was like that for, but there was some strong lighting and bleachers decorated like Christmas cheer.

This evening we went to Beard Papa. I wasn't sure what it was, but Ryan spotted it on the directory in the shopping plaza by Grauman's Chinese Theatre and was insistent that we go.

It took some work to find it, but really it was under our nose the whole time. This is in part to our wonderful sense of direction, and mall map reading skills!

I'm not a huge cream puff fan, but I was game.

I'll have to say I was impressed. They were big though!

They offered a variety of flavors - Vanilla, Chocolate, Eclair, Dulce de Leche, I think there was a strawberry kind too. I got the Dulce de Leche cause I'm a sucker for caramel. Ryan got the good old fashioned vanilla.

This summed up our evening.

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